Monday 27/06/05
Today I learnt my feet are STILL hurting.
I learn something new everyday. Here is my log of these items on a day-by-day basis
Today I learnt to ring the leisure centre to ensure the swimming pool is open before I walk the mile cross country trek to get there.
Today I learnt that a 3 year old boy (I thought he was a girl at first) can swear more times in a monute than me. Scary.
Today I learnt that 20 minutes vigorous skating drains me so that I feel i've run a mile. Which is good as I hate running. Especially for a mile.
Today I learnt that getting up early is much easier if there is a reason for it EXCEPT work.
Today I learnt every man and his dog do not service their cars due to sheer laziness.
Today I learnt to make sure I have correctly added my overtime to my shift roster as today I missed a two hour slot off my shift and it was not a nice srprise when I got to work.
Today I learnt on my computer system at work that all information inputted on one of our screens are then saved in a deep file I didnt know exsisted. This is what I learnt today.